Legenda Kamen Rider Satria

Once upon a time...

Seorang pemuda mencari artefak kuno. Sebuah topeng mahasakti..

Ini adalah Candi Prambanan. Candi bersejarah tempat bersemayam kisah pemuda sakti yang memimpin ratusan anak buah dari kaum ghaib pada jaman dahulu kala..

Di Candi Prambanan inilah, seorang pemuda mencoba mencari titisan kesaktian masa lalu. Demi mengubah dunia..

 Dalam pahatan relief tentang kisah legenda masa lalu, dipercaya ada sebuah mahakarya..

Mahakarya yang dititiskan hanya pada yang layak.. Sebuah topeng mahasakti.. Menyimpan kesaktian leluhur masa lalu..

Topeng yang menyimpan kekuatan 1000 manusia.. Topeng yang dapat membantu orang terpilih memberantas kejahatan.. Baik kejahatan yang tampak maupun tersembunyi. Baik dari makhluk fana maupun monster gaib.. Topeng Kamen Rider Satria

Dan sekarang.. Topeng Sakti itu dipercayakan pada sang pemuda.. Demi kebaikan yang lebih besar.. Demi mengubah dunia menjadi lebih baik..

With great power, comes great responsibilty

Wake Up! Wake Up!

Don't be afraid of the pain that it brings
For evil has come to the earth
The aura of light shines on your body

You, who are used to fighting

Wake up the burning hero
To the never ending battle between light and dark
Wake Up, The shining hero!
You, who are blessed with love and courage
Kamen Rider! with the Black body
Kamen Rider! Of the Crimson eyes
Kamen Rider Satria!

The gentle times are past
It is important to be fierce
like lighting in your anger
Release the universe

Wake up the hero with the deep heart
You, who are needed, but don't realize
Wake up the hero Open your eyes
Save anyone who is in trouble
Kamen Rider, like the flash of lighting
Kamen Rider you are the warrior of love
Kamen Rider Satria..

Wake up, the burning hero
to the endless battle of light and dark
Wake up, the shinning hero
You, who are blessed with love and courage
Kamen Rider of the Black Body
Kamen Rider of the crimson eyes
Kamen Rider Satria

There's a hero If you look inside your heart
You don't have to be afraid Of what you are
There's an answer If you reach into your soul
And the sorrow that you know Will melt away
And then a hero comes along With the strength to carry on

And you cast your fears aside
And you know you can survive
So when you feel like hope is gone
Look inside you and be strong
And you'll finally see the truth
That a hero lies in you
It's a long road
And you face the world alone
No one reaches out a hand for you to hold
You can find love if you search within yourself
And the empitiness you felt will disappear

Oh ho, Lord knows dreams are hard to follow
But don't let anyone tear them away, hey yea
Hold on
here will be tomorrow In time,
you'll find the way, hey

Hembus angin yang terasa panas
Keringat menetes di dada
Tiada henti kau bekerja keras berjuang
Demi cinta
Untuk Indonesia teruslah bertahan

Walau dihancurkan disakiti kau tetap berdiri di sini
Untuk Indonesia jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya
Lihat laut dan indahnya ombak
Gemulainya pohon kelapa
Para Gadis yang mulai menari
Kibarkan Merah Putih
Untuk Indonesia
Kita punya semua seribu budaya dan kekayaan alam yang takkan terkalahkan
Untuk Indonesia jadilah legenda
Kita bisa dan percaya
Darah Indonesia
Akulah halilintarmu
Darah Indonesia
Menggelegar untuk selamanya
Darah Indonesia
Walau badai menghadang kau takkan pernah hilang

Approaching Shocker, the infernal army.
The black shadow aims for us,
Protecting the peace of the world.
Go! Go! Let's Go! The Shining Machine
Rider Jump! Rider Kick!

Masked Rider Masked Rider
Rider Rider

Approaching Shocker, the demonic army.
The black shadow aims for our friends,
Protecting the peace of the world.
Go! Go!Let's Go! The Crimson Muffler
Rider Jump! Rider Kick!
Masked Rider Masked Rider
Rider Rider

Approaching Shocker, the terrifying army.
The black shadow aims for our town,
Protecting the peace of the world.
Go! Go! Let's Go! The Red-White-colored Helmet
Rider Jump! Rider Kick!
Masked Rider Masked Rider
Rider Ride

Agar siap dan mampu mengalahkan kejahatan di dunia..
Dia pun berlatih di antara reruntuhan 1000 kuil


Dia berlari dan terus berlari..
Dia menendang..
Tendangan tanpa bayangan..

Dia pun siap..
Inilah kisah awal sang legenda..
Legenda Kamen Rider Satria...


 Dialah... Kotaro Fatoni...



****Opening Theme Kamen Rider Black RX dengan sedikit modifikasi lirik

***Mariah Carey - Hero
**Superman Is Dead - Jadilah Legenda
*Opening Theme Kamen Rider in English Translation

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